Saturday, November 5, 2016

NanoWrimo 2016......continues

.....And I still will try to complete a novel that has been collecting dust on my flash drive.

I have not disappeared, just have not been inspired these past few years.  My BTR is awaiting to be edited by someone and it take $$ for that.  I will be putting it out as soon as I feel confident enough to do that.  I have decided to go towards and add it as a low priced download before adding it as full-price.  The amount of time to digitally enhance it for download is not very encouraging for me though.

I'm so lazy...that is all this is.  Laziness has made way to casual dismissal.  Creativity is still there...desire to write is still there...need is not.  Do I need a therapist???

Monday, February 8, 2016

Finally was able to sign in!!! (>.<)

The fact that it's been over a year since I signed into this blog is awful.  I'm so upset that I forgot my google sign in and just let it go.  I have since gotten a FaceBook page to give updates besides this blog.  It has links to free reads and will host other reads as I'm self-publishing them.

Life is a little more stable now, but busy.  I am still having trouble writing and have been trying to make headway on my current WIPs.  It's slow as hell!  I don't think I will ever get BTR or Sajin's Mate published at this rate.  I haven't even completed D. Lovely's Jaguar Series or my Phoenix Rising novel.

A long time ago I had my Natal Chart done and it said I will be famous post-humously.  I really don't want to be dead and then my children find my manuscripts, unpublished, in a dusty drawer and decide to allow Mother's dream to find fruition.  The agony!!!!

Til Next Time....

Friday, September 26, 2014

Writer's Block is a beast!

Recently I had a surge of inspiration for a new novel.  I don't know if my writer's block or emotional discourse will allow me to complete it, but I damn well am going to try! In the meantime I have been avoiding BTR and second guessing what I am going to do with this book.  It has truly been collecting dust for years now.  I wonder if I am becoming disillusioned with myself and it's spilling over into my creativity (And other goals that I want to achieve before the year ends).

Til next time...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


So, I just upgraded my current dinosaur of a laptop for a nice touchscreen, Windows 8, and all that jazz laptop, so that I can have something portable while I write and edit my current novels.  The most painful part of the process is transferring everything onto this new computer.  Once this is done, I am good to go and can eek out the rest of these novels/short stories that are sitting around collecting dust.

Til Next Time.....

R. L.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Re-Formatted and Distribution Ready. From This Day Forward

After another few months of procrastination, working, searching for an apartment in NYC, and finally being able to breathe and sit my behind down.  I have completed FROM THIS DAY FORWARD re-formatting to ePublish on the NOOK and other eReaders.  It is still available through for purchase.  I still have to wait for approval from the ePublishing companies before it will be available on Barnes and Nobles websites.

Thank you for your patience.

R. L.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


So, currently LULU has changed some things when it comes to their ePub.  Because of this I had to take FROM THIS DAY FORWARD off the site and redo it to prepare it for and Barnes and Nobles ePub.  B and N requires Headers and Footers, which I didn't need because it was in Adobe format (PDF).  They have gotten rid of their specific type of Adobe format and so now those of us who used it had to redo the ebooks.  Which after much editing on my part, I now have to line my pages up again.  So it will be available again soon for all of us NOOK and KINDLE folks.  While I'm at it, I will be posting my other books finally. Might as well post them all.

In the meantime, I have finished several articles for this blog.  After some editing they will be posted in the next couple of weeks.

Finding time to write and work on current novels is proving difficult, but I am making progress.  It is slow, but it's progress.

I'm still surprised to get reviews and Likes on my stories!  Thank you so much for reading and commenting.  I know they seriously need to be re-edited, but I just am too lazy to repost them.  Maybe in the near future I'll make them available on another platform for easier reading or as a free book on

Til Next Time....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Author and Relationship Blogging

In the past, I've had women ask me to blog about relationships.  Prior to this blog, I was part of an online social group that allowed blogging.  I had seen so much ridiculousness (probably not a word, but hey) that I had to write about it.  My articles seemed to hit home and bring conversation until one day a few of the ladies asked me to start a blog.  At first I was intimidated by that idea.  I'm not an all encompassing individual with mass loads of experience and wisdom.  I'm not even old enough to pretend I know everything.  Now after a divorce, countless dating and observations of relationships, I feel there is something to be said about writing about your point of view.  I'm currently working on articles that are positive.  Getting rid of the people who are negative and putting a woman's personal needs before others when it comes to HER love life.

Along with this particular blogging, I'll be posting updates \on my novels that are in the process of being published this year.  So stay tuned. 2013 will definitely be something to read about!
